Helping people. Changing lives.

51 Broad Street, Lyons NY / 315.333.4155
Active People Healthy Wayne (APHW)
Active People Healthy Wayne (APHW)
Coordinator: Melissa Kersten // 315.333.4155 x 3207
Director: Pam Precourt // 315.333.4155 x 3206
APHW is a program at Finger Lakes Community Action funded by the New York State Department of Health grant, Creating Healthy Schools and Communities. The goal of this funding is to establish and support sustainable healthy communities as places where it is easier to practice healthy behaviors.
Program staff are working within high-need communities, engaging a variety of partners and decision-makers, and developing comprehensive implementation plans in the Townships of: Sodus, Wolcott, Palmyra, Arcadia, Lyons, Galen, Savannah, Rose, and Butler.
Grant goals include:
Implementing food service guidelines (FSGs) within worksites, community settings, and in multiple venues to:
increase the availability and access to healthy foods, and to
increase the availability and access to locally sourced foods.
Improving policies, practices, and environments for physical activity and nutrition in early care and education (ECE) settings.
Implementing community planning and active transportation interventions in municipalities to increase safe and accessible physical activity. environmental design.
Implementing components of Local School Wellness Policies for Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs and a Healthy Nutrition Environment as found in the CDC Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child model within the following school districts: Clyde-Savannah, Newark, Lyons, Palmyra-Macedon, North Rose-Wolcott, Sodus, and Red Creek.
2024-25 Partnerships:
Lyons Central School District
Red Creek Central School District
Rose Food Pantry
North Rose Food Pantry
Lyons Youth Baseball & Softball Concession Stand
Wayne County Department of Health
North Rose-Wolcott School District
Clyde-Savannah Central School District
East Palmyra Christian School Food Pantry
Town of Lyons
Village of Wolcott
If you are interested in learning more about funding opportunities to support your community within one of the above-named municipalities or school districts, please contact us at:
activepeople.healthywayne@waynecap.org,315.333.4155 ext. 3207
28 Canal Street, Lyons, NY 14489