Helping people. Changing lives.

51 Broad Street, Lyons NY / 315.333.4155

Pinwheels for Prevention ®
We are proud to be able to host Pinwheels for Prevention through our Healthy Families program.
Children are the foundation of a sustainable and productive society. All children have the right to safe, secure, and supportive environments. We all have a part to play in creating stronger families and in turn, stronger communities. Simple actions can make a big difference in the live of children, strengthen families and prevent child abuse.
How Can You Get Involved?
* Pick up FREE PINWHEELS at our Healthy Families office at 28 Canal Street in Lyons;
* Take a picture of YOUR FAMILY dressed in BLUE holding their pinwheels:
* Display your pinwheels OUTSIDE so everyone can see your support!
* Plant a Pinwheel Garden in your yard!
* THEN, TAKE PICTURES and send them to diane.kellogg@waynecap.org
or text them to 315-907-2905
* WITH YOUR PERMISSION your pictures will be posted on this page.